81.   Retail sales declined in April, industrial production was unchanged, and the percentage of production capacity being used by manufacturers fell last month.

82.   Second, Saudi Arabia has the ability to use its oil production capacities to reduce the effect of short-term spikes in the oil market.

83.   Shipley said FoodBrands had a lot of unused and underutilized production capacity, which would allow for growth with little additional investment.

84.   Some economists, though, said tax breaks for capital investments would have limited effect as long as corporations continued to have more production capacity than they needed.

85.   South Korea has unsound banking practices that have effectively subsidized a glut of steel production capacity in that country.

86.   Smelter closings in Australia and the U.S. earlier this decade, following environmental problems, cut production capacity as mines increased their output.

87.   Struggling retailers have stepped up advertising at a time when paper inventories are low and production capacity in the industry limited.

88.   Such equipment is purchased by chipmaking firms when they expand their production capacity.

89.   Tapping McDonnell Douglas would give Boeing a way to add production capacity it needs quickly.

90.   Sufficient production capacity worldwide, even with strong demand, will spur the oil price decline, Stanislaw said.

n. + capacity >>共 329
production 19.89%
storage 7.65%
caretaker 3.72%
network 2.91%
lung 2.44%
channel 2.10%
output 2.10%
cargo 1.76%
memory 1.69%
transmission 1.69%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
每页显示:    共 292