81.   The registration procedure is as prone to human error as any other system of recording.

82.   TEST--MODE -- is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to enter all eligible modules or only give a report of what modules could be entered.

83.   The procedure was adapted from the technique of percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

84.   Radiotherapy often relieves pain that is untreatable with laser, and may give better long term control so that repeat laser procedures are required less often.

85.   These procedures are detrimental to the therapeutic relationship, and may have unforeseen effects on physical status.

86.   Visits may well be in private, except if a specific procedure is undertaken -- eg, taking blood for identification purposes, which needs to be witnessed.

87.   The procedure is simple and non-invasive and is safer for healthcare workers than venepuncture.

88.   To be effective, a screening procedure should be available and acceptable to the whole population, not just the privileged or health-conscious few.

89.   For this reason, the most thorough and reliable long term preservation procedure may well be to print out and preserve in microform.

90.   Conceptually the simplest procedure is the introduction of smoke or dye.

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