81.   Police on Wednesday accused them of possessing illegal weapons and planning to subvert the government.

82.   --Prohibit juveniles from possessing assault weapons.

83.   Some victims were singled out for torture because they were accused of lying to interrogators, possessing weapons, or belonging to an anti-Serb political party, prosecutors said.

84.   Sithole was also convicted of recruiting young men for an armed wing of his small opposition party and possessing weapons.

85.   Shooting crimes are rare in Switzerland, even though most Swiss men possess a weapon as part of their service in the militia army.

86.   Some experts contend there is no evidence that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction but, according to the letter, Rumsfeld and his allies are not among them.

87.   South Korea says it has no weapons of mass destruction on its soil, but some U.S. experts believe the Seoul government possesses chemical weapons.

88.   State District Judge Pat Murdoch released Tapia on his own recognizance and ordered him to refrain from drinking alcohol or possessing weapons.

89.   The Clinton administration has insisted on full Iraqi compliance with the U.N. Security Council resolutions, including a requirement Iraq not possess weapons of mass destruction.

90.   The Azerbaijan Supreme Court convicted the leader of a paramilitary group Friday of attempting to overthrow the government and illegally possessing weapons.

v. + weapon >>共 625
carry 6.53%
use 6.42%
fire 3.92%
have 3.89%
surrender 2.81%
develop 2.67%
destroy 2.54%
eliminate 2.47%
seize 2.36%
find 2.32%
possess 1.47%
possess + n. >>共 502
weapon 8.93%
power 4.02%
firearm 3.83%
drug 3.33%
explosive 2.83%
gun 2.14%
cocaine 1.95%
ability 1.89%
arm 1.89%
document 1.38%
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