81.   Many companies have these tests performed by independent laboratories.

82.   Months later, after ballistics tests had been performed and homicide cases closed, Killeen Police Chief F.L. Giacomozzi used a cutting torch to dismember the weapons.

83.   Moreover, as technology improves, what is now esoteric might become routine, allowing tests to be performed by physicians or even by patients at home.

84.   More elaborate tests should be performed and patients warned that they may still be at risk.

85.   Officials said the tests could be performed quickly, but a thunderstorm delayed a plane taking the material to the agency in Atlanta.

86.   Officials said that additional tests were being performed on the explosives.

87.   On five airplanes, mechanics performed tests without quality assurance inspectors present.

88.   Once inspections began in December, drivers waited hours for the new, sophisticated equipment to perform the tests.

89.   Often extensive tests must be performed to determine if the melanoma has spread throughout the body.

90.   Or it might mean Burmeister performed different tests.

v. + test >>共 591
conduct 12.51%
undergo 6.97%
pass 5.69%
take 5.45%
fail 4.27%
do 3.54%
carry 3.31%
perform 2.65%
use 2.51%
have 2.06%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
每页显示:    共 215