81.   The Senate rejected that provision when it passed its version of the bill in July.

82.   The Senate and House passed different versions of the graduated license bill earlier this year.

83.   The Senate has not yet passed its version of the housing and veterans measure.

84.   The Senate passed a plan two months ago, and the House passed its version last year.

85.   The Senate passed a version without privacy protection because Banking Chairman Phil Gramm said so.

86.   The Senate, before passing its version of the bill earlier today, defeated an amendment to increase funding for tobacco enforcement from its current level.

87.   The Senate already has passed a version of the legislation that retains greater barriers to new entries in long-distance markets.

88.   The Senate and House passed different versions of the bill, now being negotiated in a conference committee.

89.   The Senate and House passed versions of the legislation last March, and a conference committee was scheduled to meet this fall to reconcile the differences.

90.   The Senate Republicans, who passed another version of the bill last week, compromised with Assembly Democrats on several other points.

v. + version >>共 493
pass 5.40%
offer 4.78%
have 3.29%
approve 2.60%
release 2.56%
use 2.53%
develop 2.49%
give 2.33%
produce 2.26%
introduce 2.14%
pass + n. >>共 635
law 12.48%
bill 11.10%
legislation 8.68%
resolution 4.22%
test 3.70%
measure 3.21%
muster 2.23%
ball 1.88%
budget 1.40%
judgment 1.31%
version 1.13%
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