81.   The winning parties now face the difficult task of leading Bosnia toward true democracy.

82.   This week, Klaus failed to rally the support of his coalition partner Christian Democrats and Civic Democratic Alliance in races where his party faces the opposition.

83.   Voting went smoothly on the mainland, where the ruling party faced no serious challenge.

84.   URGENT Head of Zimbabwe opposition party faces charges of high treason,

85.   With the Czech Republic heading toward early elections after a party financing scandal destroyed the governing coalition last year, the strongest opposition party may be facing similar allegations.

86.   Zanzibar is the only place in Tanzania where the ruling party has faced a serious challenge.

87.   Ha denied that the party had faced serious problems selecting a new leadership.

88.   However, he said the process would be challenging and that both parties would face difficulties.

89.   In a few weeks, mainstream pro-democracy parties face parliamentary oblivion and financial straits.

90.   In the coming months the party faces the prospect of by-elections in two seats which are widely expected to fall to Labour.

n. + face >>共 963
company 5.73%
government 3.09%
country 2.96%
man 1.89%
team 1.79%
industry 1.35%
woman 1.19%
winner 1.19%
president 1.08%
people 1.05%
party 0.80%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
face 0.50%
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