81.   The two Communist parties have backed the United Front government in New Delhi since its election in June.

82.   The ruling party backed Ram saying that there was no question of him quitting.

83.   The two parties are both backing the call for a referendum, which Chancellor Schuessel has so far rejected as unconstitutional.

84.   The two parties have backed the United Front since its election in June.

85.   Yilmaz was forced to step down as prime minister after Ciller announced that her party would back a censure motion against him.

86.   It appeared that most parties were backing the updated document.

87.   Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told state radio his party had always backed the idea of a treaty with Jordan.

88.   Moroz was backed by parties favouring closer ties with Russia including moderate reformers close to former premier Leonid Kuchma, communists and centrists from the Agrarian party.

89.   Opposition parties have backed the commission.

90.   Puerta said Saturday the Peronist party backed the new economic plan, without divulging details.

n. + back >>共 1140
government 5.35%
administration 2.19%
party 2.08%
leader 1.75%
company 1.70%
group 1.43%
official 1.43%
country 1.41%
tank 1.28%
head 1.23%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
back 0.45%
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