81.   The dispute began after official results released in January showed Ravalomanana did not win an outright majority and would be forced into a runoff with incumbent President Didier Ratsiraka.

82.   The Communists hope to gain an outright majority in midterm voting.

83.   The center-right Popular Party defeated the governing Socialists in national elections Sunday but fell short of an outright majority in parliament, according to several exit polls.

84.   The Communist Party has the largest number of seats in the Duma, though no faction has an outright majority.

85.   The elections dispute began after official results in December showed Ravalomanana did not win an outright majority and would be forced into a runoff with incumbent President Didier Ratsiraka.

86.   The elections will be hotly contested and no party is expected to win an outright majority.

87.   The mainstream Basque Nationalist Party is expected to remain the largest party in the legislatures but to fall short of an outright majority.

88.   The party is likely get the largest slice of votes, but not enough for an outright majority.

89.   With no party likely to win an outright majority, President Lennart Meri will have to designate some politician the task of trying to stitch together a government.

90.   Gallup and MBMD said however that the socialists would just miss an outright majority if the DAR passed the four percent barrier.

a. + majority >>共 546
vast 20.09%
republican 6.67%
overwhelming 6.36%
simple 4.37%
parliamentary 4.36%
large 3.68%
absolute 3.23%
new 2.73%
great 2.53%
clear 2.11%
outright 1.23%
outright + n. >>共 522
independence 7.00%
majority 6.24%
ban 5.64%
victory 4.61%
sale 3.20%
purchase 2.06%
hostility 1.90%
fraud 1.79%
winner 1.74%
lie 1.47%
每页显示:    共 114