81.   The opposition BNP won seats in three districts and the remaining seats were shared by smaller groups.

82.   The opposition Labor Party won a landslide victory in special election in what had been a Conservative stronghold.

83.   The opposition Labor Party won general elections in this Caribbean island, defeating the governing Peoples Action Movement in seven of the eight constituencies.

84.   The opposition overwhelmingly won the elections, but the government never recognized the result.

85.   The protest could focus renewed attention on one campaign issue, the possible revival of union power if the opposition Labor Party wins.

86.   The Socialists have until Saturday afternoon to appeal a Belgrade electoral commission ruling that the opposition also won the capital.

87.   The Socialists Wednesday defied the OSCE ruling that the opposition had won the suburb of New Belgrade.

88.   The Socialists Wednesday already defied the OSCE ruling that the opposition had won the suburb of New Belgrade.

89.   They think he wants to make sure he remains in parliament if the opposition wins.

90.   They started after Milosevic annulled local elections the opposition had won.

n. + win >>共 952
team 10.86%
party 4.18%
candidate 2.84%
company 2.16%
player 1.81%
government 1.46%
side 1.24%
opposition 1.24%
woman 1.22%
man 1.15%
opposition + v. >>共 689
be 13.66%
say 7.20%
accuse 4.00%
claim 2.69%
call 2.60%
have 2.53%
win 2.39%
want 2.32%
demand 2.20%
come 1.90%
每页显示:    共 136