81.   On rare occasions, though, their wrought-iron gates are opened to allow a glimpse at the splendors that diplomatic Washington keeps behind closed doors.

82.   On Saturdays, the clinic opens its gate to the community.

83.   On a recent morning, downtown Miami awakened to a brilliant sun and the rattle of opening shop gates.

84.   Open the gates.

85.   Open the gates and turn on the lights.

86.   Opening the gate touched on the most sensitive points of the conflict, religion and Jerusalem, and the Palestinians were already angry.

87.   Our boldest civic boast is about to open its gates.

88.   Peter Fischer, vice director of the Communications Office, which is writing the law, is sensitive to the political fallout of opening the gates to new competitors.

89.   Presidential guards, loyal to Chavez, opened the gates.

90.   President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia, in particular, has opened the gates to thousands of Chinese intent on reaching Western Europe.

v. + gate >>共 218
open 19.44%
miss 7.94%
close 7.01%
lock 5.61%
shut 2.90%
reach 2.90%
guard 2.80%
leave 2.52%
straddle 2.52%
approach 2.24%
open + n. >>共 626
fire 19.87%
door 10.24%
market 2.73%
way 2.42%
office 2.30%
investigation 2.16%
talk 2.14%
possibility 2.05%
eye 1.78%
window 1.18%
gate 0.73%
每页显示:    共 207