81.   Those are obvious signs of a wayward club.

82.   Under the old system, inspectors had only a few seconds to determine if animal and bird carcasses on an assembly line showed obvious signs of spoilage.

83.   Were there obvious signs during practice that Stringer was suffering from heatstroke?

84.   When Luna was arrested, no drugs were found and he displayed no obvious signs of being under the influence, Barthelmess said.

85.   While poor performance is one obvious sign, there may be other clues, like a manager who suddenly shifts gears or a change in market conditions.

86.   You should reseal when the floorboards show obvious signs of wear.

87.   Police said they found no obvious signs of abuse or malnutrition.

88.   Police are considering the possibility that the death was the result of a personal dispute, as there were no obvious signs of robbery.

89.   Pickets stood outside some restaurants and automobile traffic was lighter than usual in the downtown, but otherwise there were few obvious signs of a strike.

a. + sign >>共 992
first 7.30%
warning 5.83%
little 5.06%
good 4.30%
positive 3.46%
encouraging 3.11%
clear 2.96%
early 2.94%
latest 2.22%
new 2.10%
obvious 1.28%
obvious + n. >>共 1159
reason 6.17%
choice 3.71%
sign 2.56%
question 2.38%
candidate 2.07%
way 2.05%
problem 1.78%
example 1.78%
difference 1.76%
answer 1.74%
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