81.   Ratsiraka supporters have for weeks starved the highland capital of fuel and other essential supplies by manning roadblocks and blowing up bridges on key routes from the coast.

82.   Rebel soldiers, who had manned roadblocks overnight, were driving round the capital in requisitioned buses, shooting machine guns in the air.

83.   Residents of the Madagascan capital widely ignored a martial law decree early Saturday by heading to discos and bars while opposition supporters manned makeshift roadblocks around the city.

84.   Some of the young guerrillas manning roadblocks in Goma claimed to be deserters from the Zairean army.

85.   Some witnesses said Gaid was armed and fired first at policemen manning the roadblock, but others at the scene denied this, the officials said.

86.   The army manned roadblocks on all entrances to Nablus and kept a low profile in the city centre.

87.   The city has been subject to a curfew for the past several days with soldiers manning roadblocks.

88.   The army manned roadblocks on all entrances but kept a low profile in the city centre.

89.   The city has been subject to a curfew for the past several days with soliders manning roadblocks in the silent nighttime streets.

90.   The city has been subject to a curfew for the past several days with soliders manning roadblocks.

v. + roadblock >>共 126
set_up 34.39%
man 7.94%
erect 5.82%
remove 5.47%
throw 3.97%
lift 2.73%
put_up 2.65%
run 2.47%
hit 2.38%
approach 1.94%
man + n. >>共 230
checkpoint 18.33%
roadblock 12.50%
barricade 4.03%
post 3.61%
position 2.64%
phone 1.81%
station 1.81%
outpost 1.53%
gate 1.25%
road 1.25%
每页显示:    共 89