81.   Scientists at the lab say they only made anthrax vaccines for livestock.

82.   Since SIV and HIV are so similar, an AIDS vaccine can be made with exactly the same genes missing.

83.   Spokeswomen for Abbott and for Baxter International said the companies acquired subsidiaries that made vaccines, and had little involvement with its manufacture.

84.   The anthrax strain was originally isolated by Max Sterne, a South African, and has been used to make animal vaccine because it is safe to work with.

85.   The biotechnology company said its scientists, in collaboration with university researchers, have identified components that could be used to make a vaccine against cervical cancer.

86.   The other company, which Pickhardt declined to identify, has anthrax cultures on hand, but is no longer making the vaccine.

87.   The outbreak of food and mouth disease is ironic in Iraq, which had eradicated the virus years ago and used to make the vaccines for the disease itself.

88.   The strain has been used for decades to make animal vaccine, experts said.

89.   The smallpox vaccines were originally made from infected tissues scraped from the stomach of calves.

90.   The special vaccine was made with a combination of DNA taken from HIV, which infects humans, and SIV, an AIDS virus that infects only monkeys.

v. + vaccine >>共 190
develop 13.74%
make 8.55%
test 5.11%
receive 4.58%
use 4.49%
give 4.23%
produce 3.70%
take 3.26%
get 3.08%
administer 2.29%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
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statement 1.61%
vaccine 0.06%
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