81.   Even the political parties themselves, which make direct donations to individual House candidates, are cutting back in supporting long-shot challengers.

82.   Enron has also made donations to causes associated with some directors.

83.   Eric Yaffe, the prosecutor, said Hsia arranged for people to write checks to make it appear they were making political donations.

84.   Fabiani added that contributors cannot make a donation without being led to the page that clearly states the donations will pay the fees of lawyers and accountants.

85.   Even fewer make organ donations, although human rights groups have charged that organs are removed from death-row prisoners for medical transplants.

86.   Every year, she makes a donation to the school, reminding herself that the place that gave her everything had once asked nothing.

87.   For each celebrity who contributed a recipe to the cookbook, the alliance made a donation in his or her name to Share Our Strength.

88.   Fonda said she was motivated to make the donation by a desire for answers to vexing questions about teen health.

89.   Foreign corporations are also forbidden from making contributions, although their American subsidiaries may make donations from income derived from their operations in the United States.

90.   Fox and wife Vanessa Williams, a New York native who now lives in Chappaqua, N.Y., have made donations to the relief efforts.

v. + donation >>共 351
make 18.56%
accept 9.08%
receive 5.78%
solicit 4.98%
collect 3.97%
seek 3.22%
use 2.60%
give 2.51%
send 1.98%
take 1.63%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
donation 0.26%
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