81.   Major export markets include Japan, Taiwan and the Middle East.

82.   Manufacturing has been the hardest hit sector from the Asian financial crisis, suffering a loss of major export markets overseas and increased competition from cheap imports.

83.   Major export markets in Asia for such products as bionic ears, diagnostic equipment and surgical and dental equipment, include Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong.

84.   Major exports from Bangladesh on display are garments, jute goods, leather and leather goods, textiles and electronic goods.

85.   Molasses is used in rum production, a major St. Croix export.

86.   Nasar Abdel-Aziz Jira, adviser to the Agricultural Minister Youssef Waly, said major exports included cotton, rice, potatoes and citrus fruits.

87.   Omiti, the Kenyan analyst, said some African governments felt the duty-free provisions of the act should be extended to major export commodities like coffee and tea.

88.   Oil was a major export for the Soviet Union, but has fallen off as facilities have deteriorated in the past few chaotic years.

89.   On Tuesday, Mexico and the EU executive Commission signed an accord recognizing Mexico as the sole producer of real tequila and mezqual which are major Mexican exports.

90.   Rice and fish are major Thai exports.

a. + export >>共 769
japanese 7.63%
strong 3.12%
weekly 2.82%
major 2.48%
american 2.38%
new 2.03%
chinese 1.95%
russian 1.84%
increased 1.75%
agricultural 1.67%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
export 0.21%
每页显示:    共 150