81.   This is because he loves his work so much that he regards it as a hobby rather than work.

82.   Colette, who declines to give her age, said she loves her work but it is relentless and virtually deprives her of a normal private life.

v. + work >>共 737
do 16.57%
find 5.32%
begin 4.98%
complete 3.35%
start 3.00%
continue 2.29%
finish 2.24%
resume 2.02%
have 1.96%
make 1.71%
love 0.46%
love + n. >>共 1634
game 3.15%
job 1.84%
child 1.76%
music 1.74%
sport 1.67%
way 1.56%
idea 1.50%
one 1.46%
people 1.40%
country 1.35%
work 1.24%
每页显示:    共 82