81.   One is hepatitis B and liver cancer.

82.   Over time, a large number of people with chronic hepatitis B develop liver failure and liver cancer.

83.   Pathology tests showed weeks ago that the liver cancer from which Mickey Mantle died Sunday was an aggressive type.

84.   Research being done among Kurds in Europe has turned up some liver cancer figures higher than expected, a former inspector said.

85.   Researchers from Brooks and the local health district plan to conduct a study of deaths from liver cancer and kidney disease.

86.   Scientists have long hoped hepatitis B vaccination would inhibit liver cancer, because people who carry the virus have a high risk of the malignancy.

87.   She made Alice swear not to tell another soul about the liver cancer.

88.   She had suffered from breast and liver cancer, the university said.

89.   Sir Alec Guinness, who died last weekend of liver cancer, was never one of The Triumvirate.

90.   Steroids, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, are associated with heart attacks and liver cancer.

a. + cancer >>共 561
prostate 31.20%
ovarian 6.60%
cervical 4.96%
liver 4.58%
pancreatic 4.32%
testicular 3.69%
colorectal 3.10%
terminal 1.86%
new 1.46%
uterine 1.42%
liver + n. >>共 148
transplant 15.89%
disease 15.38%
cancer 11.89%
failure 11.02%
damage 7.53%
problem 3.74%
function 3.02%
cell 2.61%
enzyme 2.51%
ailment 2.41%
每页显示:    共 231