81.   Bright orange pumpkins and gourds, yellow chrysanthemums and cheery pansies can spark some life into that drab indoor-outdoor space.

82.   Born in San Francisco into a well-to-do family, she divides her life into three parts.

83.   Bush seems sincere, and his presidential race, if successful, could pump new life into the GOP.

84.   Breathing life back into that haunted wasteland will be a fitting memorial, too.

85.   But a Mariner official said the only way to breathe life back into them was for New York to return Davis to the equation.

86.   But along the way, falling coal prices breathed new life into the coal-powered generators.

87.   But beneath the hype the question is whether a single low key personality from the past can breathe life into ratings.

88.   But also a bridge of death, the place where too many have ascended and then thrown their lives into the deep.

89.   But gritty authenticity is undermined by a cliched screenplay that insists on turning desperate lives into romantic melodrama.

90.   But he made it clear that this was the man who had first breathed life into the campaign.

n. + into >>共 1506
investigation 5.70%
way 2.65%
money 1.80%
ball 1.00%
research 0.81%
troop 0.77%
move 0.76%
people 0.69%
incursion 0.67%
country 0.61%
life 0.56%
life + p. >>共 93
in 42.06%
on 6.91%
as 6.45%
for 6.17%
with 5.13%
to 4.69%
without 3.47%
into 2.89%
after 2.84%
at 2.52%
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