81.   Over the weekend, several more conservative coalition legislators said they were considering voting against the plan.

82.   Republican legislators said they had hoped that by expanding the program to include local government employees and teachers they could help local communities reduce their property tax bills.

83.   Right-wing legislators said they were happy Netanyahu stood firm in meetings with Albright but added that concessions to Palestinians in future talks would fracture his support base.

84.   Republican legislators said the calls were scare tactics that frightened many elderly voters and fueled a perception of dirty politics that the public no longer tolerates.

85.   Republican legislators said they believed that such a bill had a good chance of passing in the House, although its chances in the Senate were considered less certain.

86.   Russian legislators say they oppose Start II partly because of lack of funding to destroy the weapons.

87.   Several Bay Area legislators say they back the idea.

88.   Several legislators said they hoped the Republican-controlled Congress would amend the Clean Air Act to make the tests unnecessary or, at most, voluntary.

89.   Several legislators said such a stand, although legally possible, would be politically difficult because it could be seen as trying to circumvent the Supreme Court.

90.   Several legislators said they would push for funding of a long-sought community health study that won legislative approval last year but was vetoed by Gov. Pete Wilson.

n. + say >>共 480
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authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
legislator 0.08%
legislator + v. >>共 621
say 10.22%
be 7.80%
have 2.50%
call 2.21%
vote 2.15%
want 1.98%
accuse 1.49%
pass 1.26%
take 1.12%
approve 1.09%
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