81.   Wilson believes the indictment raises serious questions about the independence of the legislative branch from the judiciary, his lawyer said.

82.   While the Ethics Commission polices violations of the gift law by members of the executive branch, the Legislative Ethics Committee enforces it for the legislative branch.

83.   With the admitted involvement of Enron officials, the issue has grown beyond a power struggle with the legislative branch into a damaging problem of political perception.

84.   Within a month the parliament was to have drafted constitutional amendments to shift some power from the executive to legislative branch.

85.   Pending new elections, Haiti is left without a legislative branch.

86.   Also improving from last year were members of the House and Senate, their staffs and other legislative branch employees.

87.   Arroyo said the legislative branch could still manage to enact a new law before it goes for a recess this year by reversing the regular process.

88.   Currently, both the Executive branch and the Legislative branch can propose laws to Congress.

89.   Congress reconvenes in September, although the legislative branch can call an extraordinary session to deal with pending issues.

90.   Hartono said Soeharto strongly rejected criticism that the executive domineered the legislative branch.

a. + branch >>共 792
executive 13.87%
local 5.27%
new 4.14%
legislative 3.10%
judicial 1.76%
different 1.61%
military 1.37%
overseas 1.34%
main 1.31%
party 1.10%
legislative + n. >>共 850
election 11.19%
leader 6.42%
session 6.31%
council 3.70%
agendum 2.81%
process 2.32%
action 2.24%
approval 2.12%
proposal 2.00%
body 1.74%
branch 1.38%
每页显示:    共 103