81.   They threw firecrackers and chanted slogans comparing the governing leftist coalition to the Soviet KGB.

82.   Two other members of the leftist coalition have been summoned to appear in court Tuesday.

83.   Uruguayans voted in national elections Sunday and a leftist coalition appeared to be headed toward victory in the capital, pollsters said.

84.   Vedrine, a Socialist, became foreign minister in June, when a leftist coalition defeated the rightist incumbents.

85.   Two years ago, his leftist coalition won control of parliament on a platform of easing the social costs of market reforms.

86.   Walesa interprets the charter as giving him the right of veto over those important ministries, while the leftist coalition disagrees.

87.   Walesa, in conflict over power sharing with the leftist coalition, has rejected previous candidates proposed by Pawlak.

88.   Warsaw -- President Lech Walesa meets with leftist coalition leaders.

89.   With just a few seats left to be decided, a communist alliance looked to dissidents of the former governing party Saturday to support a leftist coalition.

90.   In Piraeus, Stelios Logethetis, a dissident of a radical leftist coalition looks set with tacit PASOK support to win through in the second round.

a. + coalition >>共 727
ruling 14.46%
governing 9.14%
new 7.51%
international 3.19%
conservative 2.71%
center-left 2.03%
broad 1.97%
fragile 1.65%
leftist 1.51%
us-led 1.34%
leftist + n. >>共 258
rebel 19.86%
guerrilla 16.63%
group 9.16%
party 6.35%
government 3.45%
coalition 3.07%
opposition 2.62%
politician 2.43%
candidate 1.76%
militant 1.40%
每页显示:    共 95