81.   His tantrums and the intolerance he has shown for fools will set him aside from predecessors in a job that will test his competence and leadership quality.

82.   In short, the applicant must be responsible, have leadership qualities, be sociable, have an active sporting life and good academic grades.

83.   It is nevertheless necessary to instil confidence, competence, heightened self-respect and self-image, personal development and leadership qualities.

84.   Kasem has been criticized for lacking leadership qualities.

85.   Keating claimed Howard lacked leadership qualities and policies needed to be prime minister.

86.   King was presented with the Father David Bauer award for outstanding contribution to hockey while demonstrating strong leadership qualities.

87.   Sheik Jassem was chosen for his leadership qualities and because he is better educated, they said.

88.   She said the government had taken measures to train UP chairmen and members with the assistance of the UNDP for improving their leadership quality and efficiency.

89.   Slovenia Srecko Katanec relied once again on the leadership qualities of midfield captain Ales Ceh and dribbling genius Zlatko Zahovic.

90.   Strong leadership quality and wisdom.

n. + quality >>共 393
air 18.93%
water 11.82%
picture 7.15%
credit 6.21%
leadership 5.22%
product 4.07%
asset 2.93%
image 2.73%
service 2.14%
teacher 2.09%
leadership + n. >>共 350
role 12.88%
position 8.29%
post 4.27%
skill 4.23%
style 3.74%
quality 3.71%
election 3.63%
team 3.21%
change 2.79%
contest 2.40%
每页显示:    共 104