81.   Sudanese leaders have blamed the assassination attempt on Islamic militants in Egypt who have waged a three-year insurgency against the Cairo government.

82.   Sunni leaders blamed their Shiite Muslim rivals.

83.   The army has promised to investigate, but many political leaders blame the military and are calling for an independent inquiry.

84.   The army has promised to investigate, but many leaders blame the military and are calling for an independent inquiry.

85.   The army has promised to investigate, but many political leaders blame the military for the disaster and are calling for an independent inquiry.

86.   The army has promised to investigate, but numerous political leaders blame the military for the disaster and are calling for an independent inquiry.

87.   The gunman was described by his parents as unstable, but Israeli leaders blamed the incident in part on the growing tensions in the region.

88.   The government and Falun Gong leaders blame each other for the deaths.

89.   The opposition leader in Parliament blamed the government for causing huge losses to ordinary shareholders as frightened investors fled the market.

90.   The opposition leaders blame the government for deteriorating law and order situation in the country, rising prices on food and the arrest of opposition activists.

n. + blame >>共 711
official 12.10%
government 7.27%
police 7.22%
company 6.04%
authority 5.48%
side 3.72%
group 2.21%
analyst 1.96%
leader 1.89%
report 1.86%
leader + v. >>共 705
say 12.25%
be 9.33%
meet 2.85%
agree 2.30%
have 2.15%
call 1.93%
discuss 1.27%
make 1.19%
urge 1.13%
want 1.11%
blame 0.31%
每页显示:    共 113