81.   The business of launching commercial satellites, dominated by the United States just a decade ago, has become much more competitive, industry analysts said.

82.   The company last month partnered with GE to launch a satellite that can beam signals to much of the eastern United States.

83.   The decision came after the Defense and State Departments objected to allowing China to launch the satellite.

84.   The committee began its inquiry looking at a narrow subjectwhat was China learning from American companies who used Chinese rockets to launch satellites?

85.   The companies say it is too expensive to launch satellites to reach sparsely populated areas.

86.   The House, where critics charged that Clinton endangered American security, voted overwhelming to ban U.S. companies from launching satellites aboard Chinese rockets.

87.   The latest market projection studies show that by the time the system is operational, as many as five commercial satellites might be launched for every one military payload.

88.   The House last week voted overwhelmingly to bar American companies from launching satellites on Chinese rockets.

89.   The main opposition leader, Naoto Kan, also endorsed the idea that Japan should launch a satellite.

90.   The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Defense Department are scrambling to launch satellites that can give advance warning of incoming solar storms.

v. + satellite >>共 219
launch 26.54%
use 12.58%
put 4.87%
build 4.13%
carry 3.49%
have 3.21%
send 1.65%
own 1.38%
operate 1.29%
place 1.19%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
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