81.   One contingent, in plainclothes, advanced quietly and opened a gate behind the plane just before the larger force moved in.

82.   One problem with a larger peacekeeping force in Afghanistan is that no country has offered to send the troops, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told a Senate panel.

83.   The ability to cooperate quickly and closely with the much larger NATO peacekeeping forces in Kosovo and Bosnia would be an essential requirement for any EU force.

84.   Such a movement might mean the National Party would change its name or join a larger force, he said.

85.   The guerrillas, unable to defend the camp in the face of a much larger force, abandoned the base after setting it afire.

86.   The guerrillas have avoided set battles with the larger Burmese forces and instead relied on hit-and-run tactics.

87.   The last plane ferrying an advance team of peacekeepers to Kosovo left southern Russia on Wednesday as Moscow prepared to deploy a much larger force in the Yugoslav province.

88.   The observers would also verify the separation and redeployment of opposing troops and lay the groundwork for possible deployment of a much larger U.N. peacekeeping force.

89.   The U.N. refugee agency has called for a larger force, to assist in returning displaced persons.

90.   The U.N refugee agency urged creation of a larger force, capable of assisting in the returns of tens of thousands of displaced to areas of tension.

a. + force >>共 666
peacekeeping 7.32%
israeli 6.17%
serb 5.98%
russian 5.58%
military 4.81%
international 3.30%
multinational 2.62%
driving 1.82%
american 1.71%
political 1.40%
larger 0.29%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
force 0.84%
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