81.   The government is expected to file its brief by Friday, with oral arguments in the landmark antitrust case set for late February.

82.   The federal appeals court considering the breakup of Microsoft plans to issue its decision Thursday in the landmark antitrust case, sources familiar with the decision said.

83.   The Justice Department is swapping one veteran lawyer of the Florida recount battle for another in its landmark antitrust case against Microsoft.

84.   The landmark case involves a pregnant Winnipeg woman whom child welfare authorities tried last year to force into a treatment program for a solvent-sniffing addiction.

85.   The offer was soundly rejected by the recording industry, which is anticipating victory in the landmark case.

86.   The landmark case put the army on the defensive, highlighting what many say is a lax attitude toward sexual harassment of young female draftees by older male commanders.

87.   The recording industry is suing Napster in a landmark case.

88.   The original prosecutor and a lawyer for some defendants are upset over the decision to drop the murder charge against a company owner in a landmark workplace death case.

89.   The suit is considered a landmark case that could force other French Internet sites to conform to a little-enforced language law.

90.   The still undecided states include Connecticut and Iowa, two states whose attorneys general have been at the center of the landmark case.

n. + case >>共 629
court 9.29%
murder 5.46%
corruption 3.53%
drug 2.58%
high-profile 2.33%
fraud 2.25%
abuse 2.10%
capital 1.92%
display 1.71%
rape 1.54%
landmark 0.90%
landmark + n. >>共 276
case 7.03%
agreement 6.52%
decision 4.47%
ruling 3.96%
accord 3.44%
deal 3.30%
visit 3.00%
status 2.93%
legislation 2.93%
building 2.86%
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