81.   Glen Miller and other American jazz bands had a positive effect on the morale of U.S. allies during World War II, he said.

82.   In Paris, the Savour Club of wine lovers was holding a Thursday night party, complete with jazz band, at its digs in a Montparnasse parking garage.

83.   She stopped drinking and sang with small jazz bands, work that was steady if not spectacular.

84.   The acts attract a younger crowd, and other festivals have included acid jazz bands for several years.

85.   The musician said he eventually wanted to be guest conductor of the highly regarded Danish concert jazz band and still would compose for it.

86.   The timbers of the steamboat classics, with their huge black and brown funnels, have reverberated to famous jazz bands from Montreux.

87.   While touring with jazz bands during the heyday of those ensembles, he played with the Clarence Love and Snookum Russell bands.

88.   Four members of the internationally-acclaimed African jazz band Sankomota were killed in a road accident on Friday, police here said.

89.   He also said he was financing a soccer team, indoor basketball, and a blind jazz band, projects designed to cut across clan lines.

90.   Considered a good enough orchestra conductor to have been a professional, Claes funded his way through political science studies by playing in a jazz band.

a. + band >>共 1015
small 5.60%
marching 5.20%
narrow 3.63%
military 3.47%
new 3.19%
armed 2.46%
local 2.23%
jazz 2.20%
broken 1.99%
live 1.95%
jazz + n. >>共 501
musician 10.53%
club 4.37%
band 3.81%
singer 2.96%
fan 2.92%
pianist 2.84%
player 2.27%
artist 2.07%
festival 1.70%
music 1.70%
每页显示:    共 93