81.   The FTC two months ago issued a rule that is enraging credit reporting services, skip-tracing divorce lawyers and some journalists.

82.   The FCC recently opened a proceeding to look into how numbers are assigned and could issue new rules within the next year.

83.   The IRS has not announced when, or even if, the new rules will be issued.

84.   The immigration service warned of a pending backlog last November when it issued new rules to prevent naturalizing criminals.

85.   The judge suggested that the department issue written rules and establish either checkpoints or roving patrols that stop all cabs that pass through an area.

86.   The housing agency and the Veterans Administration both issued rules against racial and religious discrimination in housing.

87.   The government on Monday issued new rules to discourage abusive corporate tax shelters.

88.   The IRS issued interim rules requiring that agents get approval from their regional collection division chief before seizing property.

89.   The Justice Department last week issued new rules requiring closer, computer tracking of foreign students here.

90.   The National Institutes of Health issued rules under which the many university biologists it supports may start working with human embryonic stem cells.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
issue 1.43%
issue + n. >>共 431
statement 19.35%
warning 6.71%
warrant 5.09%
order 4.55%
report 4.26%
ruling 2.79%
bond 2.29%
decree 1.79%
permit 1.62%
subpoena 1.60%
rule 0.92%
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