81.   Dole simply had decided he did not want to step up to the plate on that, despite the continuing drumbeat on the issue by many Republicans.

82.   Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court sidestepped the issue by declining to get involved in a Wisconsin case involving the use of taxpayer-financed school vouchers.

83.   Even by the usual standards of its overheated language, recent statements on the issue by the North Korean government have been fierce.

84.   Even so, arms experts said they welcomed the airing of the issue by the council, which favors strict limits on nuclear arms and materials.

85.   FASB will hold a similar public hearing next week in New York and decide the issue by the end of the year.

86.   For the first time citizens would get the right to decide issues by initiative and referendum.

87.   For a day, Sampras, Philippoussis and Krajicek put off the unsettling issue by winning their matches on a breezy afternoon without a major upset.

88.   For one thing, they close the door to future claims on the same issue by consumers who have not opted out of the class.

89.   Furthermore, they trust Democrats over the GOP on the issue by wide margins.

90.   Gingrich settled the issue by admitting he violated House rules in using tax-exempt money for political purposes and providing false information to a congressional committee about the case.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
issue 0.16%
issue + p. >>共 76
of 42.31%
in 13.16%
with 6.75%
for 5.80%
such_as 4.28%
like 3.75%
as 3.33%
on 2.84%
to 2.50%
at 2.31%
by 1.31%
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