81.   That category includes all merchandise and services trade but excludes investment income and monetary donations.

82.   That is because investment income from previous years is treated as untaxable capital, not income.

83.   The company said wages and energy costs rose and investment income fell.

84.   The company agreed to pay any New York state and city taxes on his investment income since Grune had been living in Florida where taxes are minimal.

85.   The current account also includes figures on investment income and services.

86.   The current account is the broadest measure of the flow of goods, services and investment income in and out of a country.

87.   The current account is the broadest measure of the flow of goods, services and investment income in and out of Japan.

88.   The current account balance measures the trade flows of tangible goods as well as services, investment income and other monetary transfers.

89.   The current account measures the net flow of merchandise, services and investment income in and out of Japan.

90.   The French government last year shifted some health care taxes from salaries to investment income, which Chaney said will lead to a decline in the French savings rate.

n. + income >>共 270
interest 13.58%
investment 10.93%
retirement 5.97%
rental 5.16%
fee 5.09%
farm 4.68%
premium 2.78%
commission 2.04%
year 2.04%
dividend 2.04%
investment + n. >>共 468
bank 10.06%
banker 8.26%
firm 5.00%
fund 4.79%
banking 2.98%
company 2.84%
trust 2.82%
opportunity 2.45%
scheme 2.40%
adviser 2.09%
income 1.06%
每页显示:    共 160