81.   He is also under considerable international pressure to resume peace talks.

82.   He was echoing several recent Bosnian government statements suggesting that its favored goal is a continuation of the war with heightened international pressure on the Serbs.

83.   He surrendered in early February after international pressure was put on the Italian government and the Vatican.

84.   He suggested that only international pressure could help push the government and the Zapatistas back to the table to talk peace.

85.   His reason was to bring international pressures on Netanyahu to take concrete steps to revive stalled peace negotiations.

86.   His words coincided with stepped up international pressure on Indonesia on several fronts.

87.   If Israel yields to international pressure to withdraw from the West Bank, Sharon said.

88.   If Hezbollah attacked Israel, it could use international pressure or the threat of military attacks directly against Syria until it reigns in Hezbollah.

89.   If Israel were to withdraw, there would be international pressure on Syria to guarantee security along the Israeli-Lebanese border.

90.   In another case, international pressure is forcing the United States to back away from its policy of imposing sanctions on nations it considers renegades.

a. + pressure >>共 411
high 13.40%
low 6.99%
international 5.66%
inflationary 4.19%
political 4.13%
intense 3.92%
increasing 3.02%
strong 2.60%
heavy 2.15%
public 2.07%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
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