81.   The information highway of electronic bulletin boards now has a Spanish accent with this free public access service.

82.   The Internet makes visibility eerily accessible, enabling people like Jennifer Ringley to transmit every moment of her daily life over the information highway, via her JenniCAM site.

83.   The gloomiest ones worry that the government will let the information highway become a patchwork of private toll roads.

84.   The information highway is a two-way street, with the cash flowing to those who run it.

85.   The information highway is an interactive medium.

86.   The information highway is more of an unbeaten path for adults than it is for youngsters.

87.   The information highway will also allow much more customization of information, he says.

88.   The information highway could have similar unintended consequences, several said.

89.   The information highway, they say, has the potential to deliver everything from on-line literacy programs to health information to help poor families.

90.   The move may attract more investors interested in the information highway but who have steered clear of General Instrument because of its slower-growing cable and semiconductor businesses.

n. + highway >>共 108
information 30.15%
two-lane 11.24%
four-lane 10.49%
north-south 4.68%
desert 3.75%
mountain 3.00%
six-lane 2.62%
toll 2.43%
airport 1.87%
seaside 1.69%
information + n. >>共 678
technology 12.91%
service 5.79%
system 5.49%
age 3.74%
superhighway 3.66%
minister 3.59%
highway 2.40%
officer 2.29%
center 2.19%
company 1.98%
每页显示:    共 160