81.   Although the rebels mounted fierce resistance, they were badly outgunned by the Indonesian military.

82.   Antara said the rebels conveyed their demands during radio contact with the Indonesian military in Wamena, the regency where the hostages were taken.

83.   Antara said the rebels conveyed their demands during radio contact with the Indonesian military.

84.   Anti-independence militiamen, some backed by the Indonesian military, have clashed repeatedly with separatists.

85.   And, critically, can she successfully collaborate with or tame the powerful Indonesian military?

86.   As Indonesians, the teachers are resented by many native East Timorese who associate them with the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Indonesian military over the years.

87.   Attacks on the Indonesian military have escalated in a northern province where hundreds of troops searched Thursday for three kidnapped soldiers.

88.   Australia has developed detailed information on the operations of the Indonesian military through years of military cooperation and intelligence gathering with its northern neighbor.

89.   Both U.S. and Australian ties with the Indonesian military have been limited because of abuses committed in East Timor.

90.   Buoyed by a surprise offer from Indonesia to consider independence for the former Portuguese colony, the chanting protesters demanded the Indonesian military withdraw troops at once.

a. + military >>共 478
israeli 17.14%
russian 13.10%
indonesian 6.98%
american 3.30%
turkish 2.54%
philippine 2.34%
chinese 2.15%
powerful 2.04%
colombian 1.77%
thai 1.70%
indonesian + n. >>共 915
government 9.54%
troop 4.50%
military 4.46%
official 3.93%
authority 3.52%
rupiah 2.81%
police 2.19%
soldier 2.09%
rule 1.96%
company 1.86%
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