81.   Washington has lobbied hard for indefinite extension.

82.   While rejecting linkage, he said progress toward a ban would help achieve the U.S. goal of indefinite extension of nonproliferation.

83.   Four of the five official nuclear powers -- Britain, France, Russia and the United States -- have already pledged support for an indefinite extension.

84.   German Foreign Affairs Minister Klaus Kinkel implored the delegates to vote for an indefinite extension of the treaty, which calls for elimination of all nuclear weapons.

85.   He also did not mention the prospect of an indefinite extension of NPT, which is sought by Washington.

86.   He added that Russia did not view indefinite extension of the treaty as a mandate for maintaining nuclear weapons arsenals indefinitely.

87.   He said that Russia does not view indefinite extension as a mandate for maintaining nuclear weapons arsenals indefinitely.

88.   He said that Russia did not view indefinite extension as a mandate for maintaining nuclear weapons arsenals indefinitely.

89.   However the company wants to extend it by only two years instead of a union demand for indefinite extension, and to increase working hours without raising pay.

90.   In exchange for indefinite extension of the NPT, the nuclear powers agreed to an accompanying document that urges universal adherence to the NPT.

a. + extension >>共 345
indefinite 12.04%
natural 4.47%
further 3.43%
possible 3.35%
new 3.11%
logical 2.95%
limited 2.47%
temporary 2.23%
such 2.23%
long-term 2.23%
indefinite + n. >>共 118
extension 16.05%
detention 14.77%
period 12.01%
strike 9.25%
curfew 5.42%
suspension 3.93%
hold 2.87%
leave 2.66%
ban 2.34%
stay 1.91%
每页显示:    共 150