81.   Still, incidents happen.

82.   Standing before reporters and television cameras, Beall wondered how the incident could have happened in the first place.

83.   Such an incident happened in April, when an engineer at PairGain Technologies Inc. was arrested for publishing rumors that his company was about to be sold.

84.   The alleged incidents happened earlier this year during unsupervised informal drug operations, a police source said.

85.   The Daily News, which has taken steps to ensure this incident does not happen again, and Cox News Service regret this happened.

86.   The incidents did not happen in high-crime areas of Brooklyn or the Bronx.

87.   The incident happened during a time of labor strife, he said, and the bucking bar was thought to have been deliberately left in the rudder.

88.   The incident happened last Wednesday.

89.   The incident happened outside a dormitory, where New York Jets players were staying at training camp.

90.   The incident happened so quickly that servers picking up food in the kitchen missed all the action.

n. + happen >>共 1291
thing 31.48%
accident 8.08%
incident 5.34%
attack 1.90%
lot 1.61%
opposite 1.47%
crash 1.17%
stuff 1.15%
change 1.11%
shooting 1.11%
incident + v. >>共 470
be 23.47%
occur 14.51%
take 5.90%
happen 5.44%
come 3.87%
begin 2.06%
involve 1.64%
lead 1.57%
follow 1.51%
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