81.   Only in December, it hosted a summit in Alexandria with Syria and Saudi Arabia, in a show of support of the hard line adopted by Damascus.

82.   Philippine President Fidel Ramos told a news conference after hosting the summit that differences over the ITA issue dissolved at an informal post-dinner meeting of the leaders late Sunday.

83.   Qatar hosted the summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council -- which includes Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

84.   Spain, which is hosting the summit, was bracing later in the day for big anti-globalisation protests.

85.   Sweden has taken a leading role in fostering Baltic cooperation and security since it hosted a summit of leaders of the Baltic Sea region in May in Visby.

86.   The Barcelona summit is being hosted by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, a champion of free-market principles.

87.   The authorities in Manama, which has hosted a summit of Gulf Arab leaders since Monday, have only acknowledged one policeman killed.

88.   The Czech Republic, which is already a NATO member, is due to host the summit in Prague.

89.   The focus will also be on international events when the president hosts the Group-of-Seven summit in Denver, Colorado in June.

90.   The Philippines hosted a summit of APEC leaders last November in the northern freeport of Subic Bay.

v. + summit >>共 275
attend 23.02%
hold 14.35%
reach 5.88%
host 3.75%
boycott 2.54%
convene 2.46%
follow 2.34%
open 2.13%
address 1.96%
cancel 1.63%
host + n. >>共 483
meeting 7.37%
event 6.86%
talk 4.99%
game 4.80%
conference 4.37%
dinner 3.55%
summit 3.51%
party 3.20%
show 2.26%
tournament 1.95%
每页显示:    共 89