81.   Throughout the day Sunday, heads of state from several small countries were received by Lee, who fastidiously reviewed honor guards with each.

82.   Twenty-three military and police honor guards flanked the sidewalk as Georgia State Patrol officers silently made the steps from the street to the Capitol entrance.

83.   We walked about a block, then made a left turn at a sidewalk lined with red vinyl and six honor guards wearing white uniforms.

84.   Whenever a body was found, they stopped work and formed an honor guard as a flag-draped stretcher was carried out.

85.   When the coffin arrived at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii, it was welcomed by an honor guard.

86.   With military honor guards standing at attention, the Marine Band played the national anthem as the flag flew high under a sunny, cloudless sky.

87.   With the war in Africa two weeks gone, the only action his company saw was serving as an honor guard for King George VI of England.

88.   Yes, some members of the honor guard that greeted President Clinton at the Gaza International Airport Monday morning did not always march precisely in step.

89.   President Aleksander Kwasniewski, Prime Minister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz and Cardinal Jozef Glemp greeted him in a cold rain at the Wroclaw airport with a military honor guard.

90.   Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin, accompanied by an honor guard and military band, greeted Kim at Vnukovo II, the airport reserved for important visitors and politicians.

n. + guard >>共 370
border 28.43%
prison 11.94%
police 9.14%
honor 6.85%
freshman 3.48%
reserve 2.39%
rookie 2.39%
sophomore 2.18%
nose 1.74%
village 1.72%
honor + n. >>共 101
guard 38.32%
student 24.57%
roll 4.62%
killing 4.26%
program 2.43%
ceremony 1.95%
class 1.95%
code 1.82%
list 1.70%
college 0.97%
每页显示:    共 313