81.   The court will be empowered only to try cases of heinous crimes committed after it is set up.

82.   The increased drug use also has led to a rise in heinous crimes, officials believe.

83.   The Marines say they followed due process and the hit-and-run is not a heinous crime, as defined by the agreement.

84.   The police can still seek amnesty for all but the most heinous politically motivated crimes through a proposed Truth Commission, provided they make full disclosure.

85.   The official revelation that there is just a single suspect for this heinous crime lets right-wing radicals off the hook.

86.   The truth commission, which began holding hearings in April, can grant amnesty to those who make full confessions to all but the most heinous crimes.

87.   These are heinous crimes.

88.   We expatriates apparently commit the heinous crime of overstaying our visas and violating our work permits.

89.   Under proposed legislation, people can escape punishment for all but the most heinous political crimes if they voluntarily make full disclosure of their deeds to the commission.

90.   While his church opposes the death penalty, Bush believes in capital punishment for heinous crimes.

a. + crime >>共 993
violent 14.30%
serious 5.74%
juvenile 3.08%
alleged 2.89%
rising 2.83%
organised 2.58%
street 2.35%
federal 2.31%
political 2.02%
high 1.94%
heinous 1.05%
heinous + n. >>共 47
crime 48.53%
act 13.24%
nature 4.41%
murder 3.92%
deed 2.94%
criminal 1.96%
offense 1.96%
violation 1.96%
activity 0.98%
case 0.98%
每页显示:    共 98