81.   Established procedures call for Peruvian fighters that approach suspect planes to use hand signals and send radio messages to make contact.

82.   German bond futures used to be traded on the floor, where traders on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange bought and sold them using hand signals.

83.   He communicates using hand signals and gestures.

84.   North Carolina players said they plan to use hand signals if it gets too loud.

85.   Some of the group frantically pushed handwritten letters at reporters through the chain-link fence Tuesday and later gave inexplicable hand signals to those outside the compound.

86.   The officer said he got his gun because Ford supporters were flashing gang hand signals.

87.   They spend their days using hand signals as rich and complex as those on a baseball diamond.

88.   When his microphone failed, he made frantic hand signals to the fighter pilot and held up the broken handset to show he could not answer.

89.   With subtle hand signals, the traders, who wear placards on their caps to identify themselves, committed to purchases in the tens of thousands of dollars.

90.   Anwar Chowdhry said hand signals were giving banned round-by-round scores to Canadian boxers.

n. + signal >>共 312
radio 17.40%
hand 7.32%
television 5.75%
satellite 5.43%
danger 3.39%
radar 2.91%
nerve 2.13%
pain 1.81%
stop 1.65%
telephone 1.65%
hand + n. >>共 458
grenade 28.18%
recount 9.23%
count 7.32%
injury 4.63%
signal 2.97%
tool 2.94%
gesture 2.68%
specialist 1.50%
gun 1.41%
transplant 0.99%
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