81.   The spots instruct people to take basic precautions like boiling water and washing their hands before eating.

82.   The two men shook hands before walking to the terrace where an informal outdoor lunch had been prepared for them and half a dozen close aides.

83.   The two leaders shook hands before leaving separately.

84.   The two smiled and slapped hands before Nocioni, who plays professionally in Argentina, made one of two free throws for the final margin.

85.   Their domination was such that Bettini and Garzelli had time to shake hands before launching into the final sprint.

86.   They greeted each other and briefly held hands before sitting down.

87.   Then Scheck showed the tape again, freezing a frame that depicted Mazzola holding a letter-size object in her hand before passing it to him.

88.   Woods blew into his hands before putting.

89.   As the guilty verdicts were read out, he held his head in his hands before slumping in the dock.

90.   But pro-European MPs hit back with the claim that a white paper could undermine the government by exposing its hand before delicate negotiations.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
hand 0.18%
hand + p. >>共 75
of 32.20%
in 13.20%
on 10.26%
with 9.70%
over 4.96%
to 4.57%
at 3.92%
for 2.00%
out 1.52%
from 1.39%
before 0.77%
每页显示:    共 98