81.   Next to habitat loss, these invasive species represent the greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide, many ecologists say.

82.   No sensible person can doubt that racism remains one of the two greatest threats to American survival.

83.   Now, of course, Chavis likely faces the greatest threat yet to his tenure.

84.   Of all the dangers she had fought in her life, this seemed the greatest threat.

85.   Now the Astros, the single greatest threat, have the more perilous trek.

86.   Of all the problems that afflicted professional athletics, from drugs to violence, who thought that the greatest threat would be that we would run out of sports?

87.   North Korea still looms as the greatest near-term military threat to U.S. troops, top American intelligence officials told Congress on Wednesday.

88.   Opponents say the treaty is deeply flawed and only law abiding nations will respect it, not rogue states that present the greatest chemical threat.

89.   Over the next few years, the greatest threat comes from Hussein, the most likely candidate to use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

90.   Paradoxically, the military has now become the greatest threat to the legacy of Ataturk and to the modern and European Turkey he wanted to bring into being.

a. + threat >>共 500
serious 5.58%
terrorist 4.61%
potential 3.55%
new 3.00%
biggest 2.94%
military 2.74%
immediate 2.39%
real 2.28%
greatest 2.24%
major 1.93%
greatest + n. >>共 1343
threat 3.58%
challenge 2.89%
risk 2.75%
player 2.53%
number 2.01%
concern 1.55%
danger 1.30%
impact 1.24%
need 1.11%
success 1.08%
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