81.   The biggest is how states continue to fund such programs, especially as more students qualify for scholarships.

82.   The case has particular interest in cities with privately financed voucher programs as well as in Florida and Milwaukee, which have voucher programs funded by taxpayers.

83.   The city turned to businessman Bruce Portner to solicit money from corporations to help fund the program.

84.   The bottom line, Geiger said, is the program must be funded.

85.   The commission last week forwarded its recommendations to the Corporation for National Service -- the federal agency that is funding the program.

86.   The Congressional Budget Office next week will release its estimates, which many expect to show Social Security taxes were used this year to fund other programs.

87.   The Democrats contend that the huge GOP cut would not permit the government to fund essential programs and pay down the national debt.

88.   The economy has boosted the revenue generated from payroll taxes that fund both programs.

89.   The crackdowns also come as the federal government is facing a harder time obtaining the resources needed to fund social programs.

90.   The fear is that many of the tax-exempt securities sold to fund subsidy programs could face potential ratings changes or early redemptions.

v. + program >>共 784
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use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
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