81.   However, as the funds come from public money, funded activities are subject to public accountability and investigation.

82.   India says these funds come from Pakistan, where arms and training also are made available to the insurgents.

83.   Investigators believe the funds came from commissions paid in connection with authorizations to build supermarkets.

84.   Investigators believe the funds in question came from commissions paid in connection with authorizations to build supermarkets.

85.   It was agreed that if such a fund came about, it was not to be implemented independently by Asians but in collaboration with the IMF.

86.   Its funds come from frozen Iraqi assets and aid from the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany and some of the Gulf countries.

87.   Its funds come from frozen Iraqi assets and aid from the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany and some of the oil-rich Gulf countries.

88.   It remains unclear where funds for the project will come from.

89.   Other funds are coming from the Interamerican Development Bank, he said.

90.   Other funds come from a gift shop at the palace.

n. + come >>共 1444
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fund + v. >>共 799
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