81.   Color in the front yard.

82.   Cuffy and a friend, Dania Hewitt, were standing in the front yard.

83.   Cuffy was arrested for concealing evidence of a crime after he removed a handgun from his front yard.

84.   DIVERSION BURGLARY An elderly woman is gardening in her front yard when a stranger stops to admire her roses.

85.   Down the way, the Harts put a little sign on the birdbath in their tiny front yard.

86.   Dolly Martin, for instance, still has a front yard full of sand.

87.   Dusk found the three of us sitting in her front yard peering between trees and rooftops to where the comet should appear.

88.   E Bypass the ones in the front yard and even the tempting ones near well-traveled country roads.

89.   Each represents a variation on the front yard.

90.   Either way, he has added it to the lessons he has learned from tending the patch of dirt in his front yard.

a. + yard >>共 332
front 31.73%
lumber 3.13%
small 2.29%
passing 1.76%
rushing 1.61%
final 1.61%
large 1.45%
extra 1.45%
big 1.45%
total 1.30%
front + n. >>共 553
page 15.49%
row 9.07%
seat 6.75%
yard 5.08%
porch 4.96%
nine 3.11%
end 2.55%
lawn 2.18%
runner 2.16%
gate 2.14%
每页显示:    共 413