81.   Sen. Bob Dole, a Kansas Republican who is running for president, denied that his bill would harm food safety.

82.   Some items are prohibited for reasons other than food safety.

83.   Since package dates are not designed to protect the public from foodborne illness, relying on them can lead to false assumptions about food safety.

84.   Some people find that it stays fresher if refrigerated during hot months, but that is on the basis of personal preference, not food safety.

85.   So Rosenbloom suggests that for food safety reasons, anyone planning a hamburger cookout this summer needs to use a meat thermometer.

86.   Sound information on food safety, plus a good way to stay in touch with public food policy.

87.   Structure food safety and regulatory policies to adapt quickly to new research findings and other information.

88.   Still, the number of women in local town and county assemblies has blossomed over the last decade, bringing attention to issues like environmental and food safety.

89.   Surely food safety is at least as important as some of the pork-barrel projects buried in the transportation bill.

90.   The advisory panel is meeting for two days with food safety experts from around the country and will make recommendations to the FDA on how to improve juice safety.

n. + safety >>共 317
food 10.56%
air 5.20%
school 4.00%
fire 3.69%
road 3.43%
aviation 3.22%
airline 2.96%
gun 2.96%
workplace 2.86%
worker 2.76%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
每页显示:    共 202