81.   Rice, the most widely consumed food crop in the world, is the first plant important to agriculture to have its genome sequenced.

82.   Produced by Dow AgroSciences of Indianapolis, the pesticide can be found in everything from pet collars to insecticides applied to food crops, lawns and gardens.

83.   Sheehan said, however, an explosion of poppy cultivation under the Taliban has reduced agricultural land available for food crops.

84.   Subsidies are limited to food crops and horticulture farming and are exclusive for farmers.

85.   The highland provinces are the hardest hit area, with food crops destroyed by a combination of a three-month drought and frosts.

86.   The eruption on the uninhabited island of Lopeivi has contaminated all water supplies and food crops on nearby Palma Island, Bisiwei said.

87.   The Jakarta Post quoted Chairil Anwar Rasahan, director general of food crops and horticulture at the Ministry of Agriculture, as saying rice production could drop significantly.

88.   The land is only for temporary occupation while the economy is weak and anyone can apply to grow food crops on it, she told reporters.

89.   The problem of land scarcity is compounded when the biophysical requirements for short-term food crops such as vegetables and grains are taken into account.

90.   The soil is rich but rain is scarce, and the women, who traditionally grow the food crops, seek other activities to boost incomes.

n. + crop >>共 241
bumper 15.31%
corn 7.97%
wheat 6.99%
drug 6.11%
soybean 5.33%
food 5.23%
rice 3.91%
spring 3.08%
cotton 2.74%
year 2.69%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
crop 0.73%
每页显示:    共 106