81.   Those included the withdrawal of all Serbian forces, the intervention of a NATO-led peacekeeping force and the return of the Kosovo Albanians who fled their homes.

82.   Thousands of Indians have fled their homes to escape sectarian violence.

83.   Thousands of local residents have fled their homes.

84.   Thousands of villagers there fled their homes, some through the forest to Panama.

85.   Thousands of civilians have been forced to flee their homes in Kashmir, overwhelming the local resources to provide them with shelter and medical care.

86.   Thousands of residents fled their homes after Hurricane Floyd dumped more than a foot of rain on already saturated ground two weeks ago.

87.   Through flashbacks, Malika recounts how she fell into prostitution after she fled her home when her father sold her in marriage to an older Algerian.

88.   Thousands forced to flee their homes.

89.   Thousands of others have been forced to flee their homes.

90.   Thousands of villagers have fled their homes in the mountain villages here after two weeks of heavy shelling, he said.

v. + home >>共 422
leave 7.16%
flee 6.27%
have 4.81%
build 4.00%
buy 3.68%
find 3.46%
destroy 3.17%
lose 2.71%
own 2.70%
sell 2.27%
flee + n. >>共 583
country 17.04%
home 13.00%
scene 8.34%
area 5.38%
city 4.25%
village 2.78%
camp 1.93%
persecution 1.93%
town 1.92%
violence 1.66%
每页显示:    共 702