81.   American officials said they are not certain the Peruvian fighter actually fired warning shots.

82.   An Israeli officer was wounded as shots were fired in the presence of Palestinian security officials.

83.   Amorelli continued to pursue White, firing several shots and hitting him once in the right ankle, the police said.

84.   And Bridgewater State can fire a shot that will echo across the commonwealth by voting against MassPIRG, and against the negative checkoff.

85.   And Israel Ra- dio reported a Palestinian was killed in the West Bank by a Jewish settler firing shots from a car.

86.   And he did so without a single NATO soldier firing a shot from the ground or any troops amassing on his borders.

87.   And Robert Warzycha fired a shot off the post in injury time for the final goal.

88.   And then another verbal shot will be fired over sovereignty, and it starts all over again.

89.   And those are just some of the laws violated before a shot was fired or an explosive was detonated.

90.   Another director, Richard A. Hackborn, fired another shot in the campaign on Monday with a letter to shareholders.

v. + shot >>共 391
fire 26.15%
take 9.12%
have 7.16%
get 4.86%
block 4.79%
hear 3.51%
hit 2.92%
miss 2.78%
make 2.23%
stop 1.49%
fire + n. >>共 352
shot 24.13%
missile 8.10%
rocket 7.93%
gun 4.26%
shell 4.18%
weapon 3.06%
bullet 2.72%
coach 2.62%
round 2.28%
mortar 2.25%
每页显示:    共 2963