81.   But a whole bunch of homeowners feel awfully good about their assets now.

82.   But even as Nelson departs and Cone considers alternatives, club officials feel very good about their team.

83.   But even in those days, the FFA convention made people feel good about the future.

84.   But even if the Knicks do not feel great about their chances of catching Orlando, they are beginning to feel good about themselves.

85.   But he also says he feels good about his decision to leave and to focus on the presidential race without the demands of Congress.

86.   But he felt good about his performance.

87.   But either way, I feel good about our team.

88.   But I feel good about my game.

89.   But I look back and feel good about the things we have done.

90.   But I feel good about our special teams now.

v. + good + about >>共 6
feel 89.56%
be 9.62%
find 0.27%
see 0.27%
believe 0.14%
felt 0.14%
feel + good + p. >>共 24
about 82.53%
for 3.04%
in 2.91%
at 2.03%
after 1.90%
on 1.39%
to 1.14%
with 0.89%
as 0.51%
by 0.51%
每页显示:    共 648