81.   But for the rest of the public, there is no such federal protection.

82.   Clinton is pushing to give patients that right to sue and is seeking to extend federal protections to all Americans with private health insurance.

83.   Congress has a last chance to pass a law this year extending federal civil rights protections to homosexuals and the disabled, Attorney General Janet Reno said Thursday.

84.   Editors at Simon and Schuster contacted him when Henry Hill, under federal protection, sought a book deal to pay his legal bills.

85.   Even so, Democrats and some independent groups attacked the bill, saying it would erode numerous federal anti-discrimination protections that have been enacted over the past several decades.

86.   Four journalists from the southern state of Narino were placed in a federal protection program this week after receiving death threats from paramilitaries.

87.   Franks chided conservationists for having kept the geese under federal protection until recently but refused to agree that the hunting ban should be lifted.

88.   Former President Bush set a goal during his administration of having no net loss of wetlands but then clashed with environmental groups over proposals to weaken federal protections.

89.   Four journalists from the southern state of Narino were placed under federal protection this week after receiving death threats from paramilitaries.

90.   Lieberman promised that a Gore administration would give gay men and lesbians federal civil rights protections for the first time.

a. + protection >>共 643
environmental 15.91%
legal 5.96%
copyright 3.59%
better 3.17%
constitutional 3.06%
patent 2.99%
special 2.72%
equal 2.58%
federal 2.01%
adequate 1.98%
federal + n. >>共 476
government 12.23%
court 6.49%
law 5.88%
judge 4.00%
official 3.74%
agency 3.06%
prosecutor 3.01%
budget 2.47%
agent 2.16%
authority 2.12%
protection 0.18%
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